'I Thought You Were On A Diet?'

I couldn’t believe my sister would embarrass me like that.
Not only did she have the nerve to pinch my belly like I was some kid, making fun of me…
But it was in front of our family, too.
My sister, my mom, my in-laws and my nephews were busy laughing their heads off.
They sure had the time of their lives…
At that moment, it was official: I had reached my lowest point.
I wanted to bury myself in some hole and never crawl out again.
My face must have turned tomato-red with shame...
And as much as I hated to admit it, my sister was right.
I was telling myself that I was “on a diet”, but I was kidding myself.
“Cheat day” wasn’t an exception for me…
It was the rule.
The "occasional" chocolate bar, combined with the "occasional" cookie followed by the "exception" bag of potato chips…
At some point, I had given up on losing weight completely.
And my sister gave me a harsh and embarrassing wake up call.
That same day my sister embarrassed me, I told myself: “Enough is enough.“
I was SO sick of it all.
I was so desperate to finally lose weight.
And to get back at my sister while I was at it.
But it felt impossible back then.
At that time, even if it may sound hard to believe...
I was closer to that 1% that would have changed everything.
And what if I told you…
That I can give you your “1% that changes everything” today?
You can lose weight and enjoy life at the same time.
Because, like me, you might be closer to your breakthrough than you might think.
How would it feel if your pants not only stopped pinching you…
But you could feel the pants that once were “too tight for you”…
Suddenly slide down your hips?
Imagine how it feels when your friends, colleagues and family can’t stop praising you.
“Wow, you’re looking hot! How did you do it?”
And you feel that confidence.
And those silent stares of pure, green envy from some of your colleagues (or maybe even your friends?).
While others just have to know and they ask you: “What’s your secret?”
You smile because you lost weight by enjoying life with a tasty drink in the morning, instead of spending half your day in the gym.
Your secret is a natural drink with a taste so fresh and sweet, that it puts soft drinks to shame.
And that drink not only helps you feel the best you’ve ever felt and burns layers of fat…
It improves your digestion…
Nourishes your skin until it has that “glow” and that smooth feel to it...
And on top of flooding your body with precious, natural nutrients…
This natural, delicious, low-calorie drink is easy to make.
It gives you energy and you just feel awesome.
Especially since it allows you to lose weight at your own pace, without torturing or starving yourself.
Not only is the weight-loss industry suspiciously silent about this low-calorie, nutrient powerhouse that’s stacked with key vitamins, minerals, trace minerals and amino acids…
In my research, I came upon a true authority in the field, a doctor who found the shockingly simple root cause of your weight-loss problems: And this drink actually helps you tackle this root cause.
Even better: This plant helps you to "reignite" your body's very own fat-burning engine on top.
In a moment, I’ll tell you why you should give this drink a go instead of buying another lab-made supplement (If the supplements you’re taking are not natural, you’re basically flushing your money down the toilet).
Hi, my name is Tomislav Winkler (or just call me Tommy).
I'm a certified Food Matters Nutrition Coach. And I hold a strong belief: Anyone can turn their life around with the right delicious, natural nutrition.
You see, before I had my breakthrough, I was THIS close to abandoning all hope, and embracing a life where I was stuck with my stubborn belly fat forever.

But because I wanted to avoid showing my body in public like the plague.
Whenever I could not talk myself out of going to the beach, I felt so much shame creeping up within me.
Because to me, it felt like the entire beach was staring at me because of my fat…
I had a real protruding stomach and I was so ashamed of my body.
I felt like a walking freakshow.
Needless to say, I was desperate for anything that would make the fat and shame go away.
I had already been looking for all kinds of solutions.
From simple stuff like “eat more vegetables”…
“Leave out the sweets“...
To the annoying stuff like exercising every single day...
But most of the info out there felt as helpful as an oven in the Sahara Desert.
And during my research, I reached a point where I was close to giving up.
I had cut back on sweets, fast foods…
I increased the amount of sports I did…
Useless: I was still stuck with all the fat on my belly.
I may have lost the occasional pound here and there, but I just as quickly put it back on...
I felt like I did a lot right, but it was frustrating beyond belief to not be rewarded for it...
While others could eat whatever they wanted without gaining any weight.
In short:
I was trapped in a world where I hated the way I looked.
For years, I was on and off diets, enjoying all the “occasional” and “exception” snacks.
I told family and friends that "I was on a diet", but in reality, I was lying to myself.
I had already given up on losing weight.
That was my lowest point.
And I knew that something had to change.
So I started looking for a solution once more.
And after a lot of research, I discovered a “weird plant” that sounded promising.
My expectations were super low, but I decided to give it a go anyways with this plant.
Because I wanted to see for myself if the hype was justified or not.
After all, what did I have to lose?
And after three months of trying out this plant, out of nowhere, my brother-in-law asked me:
“How did you lose so much weight?”
I said “What are you talking about, I didn’t lose any weight.”
“Of course you did, you look much thinner than before,” he said.
I was dumbstruck.
Could it be that through my “I’ll-always-be-fat-goggles”...
I didn’t notice that I actually lost weight?
You see, with the low expectations I had for this plant, I didn’t even bother to weigh myself.
Because, what was the point?
I told myself that the numbers would stay the same anyway, because they always had.
I thought “There’s no way this will work…”
After 14 years of yo-yoing back and forth around the 198 lbs. mark with a height of 1,75m.
But when I got home after talking to my brother-in-law, I decided to immediately rush to the scale after 3 months of avoiding it.
And I couldn't believe my eyes...
I was actually down to 173 lbs. (78.5 kgs)!
“No way, that can’t be!” I thought to myself.
I stepped off the scale, thinking it had to be broken or something.
But it turned out, it wasn't: With this plant I finally decided to try out...

I actually lost weight without even realizing it.
I was so happy that something finally worked.
Imagine this: Putting on pants that you hadn’t worn for a long time, because they became too tight…
And suddenly, they slide down your hips: With the belt on!
That’s what happened to me.
I even had to punch extra holes into the belt so the pants wouldn’t slip down anymore.
Or imagine this: Your wedding ring suddenly sliding down your finger as if you’re wearing a size too big!
My wedding ring used to sit pretty tight on my finger.
But after I lost weight, I had to leave my ring at home to not lose it on a shopping trip or something (my wife would have killed me, so...)
And I'll show you how you can make such pleasant surprises a reality for yourself as well.
You see, with that long overdue success, I finally had just what I wanted.
The next time I met my sister... it would be sweet, sweet "payback time"
After she made fun of me, I lost an incredible 22lbs...
And I had to rub it in her face.
Luckily, our next family get-together wasn't too far away.
A couple of months had passed since she embarrassed me in front of our family.
And I said, proud as a peacock, as I pointed to my stomach area, “Here, look, I did it! I did lose weight. Now what do you say?”
I'll never forget her reaction...
With stern eyes, she inspected my “critical zone” like a human fat detector.
With a smug grin on my face, I was anxiously waiting for her to finally acknowledge my landslide victory.
Then she nodded, looking kinda bored, and said:
And yes, this was far from the 'gotcha' reaction I had hoped for.
But I still had my triumph.
And today, I'd like to help you get yours.
Because I know how it is: You struggle with diets,
you starve and torture yourself... for nothing
To call the yo-yo effect "frustrating" would be the understatement of the century.
You know, I discovered some really useful and interesting stuff during my research.
And it's something that's been right in front of us the whole time.
You see, there is a certain reason why many people aren’t able to lose as much weight as they want to.
It’s about your liver.
If your liver doesn’t work correctly,
it can’t burn fat for you
As you probably know, one of your liver’s main tasks is burning fat.
Remember when I spoke about "reigniting" your body's very own fat-burning engine?
That's your liver.
Luckily, I came across a world-renowned doctor and authority during my research.
He really opened my eyes on how overlooked but important this topic is for struggling dieters, more on this expert in a second.
Your liver’s task is to get rid of as many toxins in your body as it can.

And here's the kicker: What do you think happens if your liver is too busy dealing with toxins?
Toxins are everywhere, most of all in industrially processed foods, sweets and soft drinks...
But also in our washing lotions, toothpaste and far many more to list them all here.
Even if you’re eating your fair share of organic fruits and veggies, your liver might be strangled by toxins.
And if your liver is busy washing out toxins 24/7 like clockwork for you, on a massive scale...
You see, getting rid of the dangerous toxins has a higher “survival priority“ for your body than fat burning.
That’s why your liver focuses on detoxing, instead of burning fat: To keep you alive.
I promised you how I’d reveal the real reason why most diets are doomed to fail from the start: You see, no one pays any attention to the "toxic load" your liver tries to get rid of for you, day in, day out…
And the true experts who talk about how to detox your liver are rare.
Instead, people always focus on useless micro “solutions”.
Like "avoid bananas" in one week, the next week it’s the avocadoes that somehow become the boogie man…
Or to “get this and that supplement for incredibly easy, fast inferno fat-incinerating results"...
And there’s a big problem with all this: None of this is a "tackle the root cause" approach.
But you won’t solve your weight-loss problems without going for the root cause, right?
I always disliked simply covering up the symptoms
without going for the root cause
I wanted to get down to the root of the trouble, so to speak.
We're talking about how happy you feel in your body, after all.
Now, about this expert I came across in my research: He's a true authority in the field who really knows his stuff about detoxing.
His name is Dr. Alejandro Junger.
He’s not only an expert on western medicine, but also on Functional Medicine and Ayurveda.
The reason I’m telling you about Dr. Alejandro Junger is this: His patients who followed his detoxing instructions lost weight automatically! (1)
And Dr. Junger’s patients didn’t even want to lose weight: That’s how awesome detoxing your liver is.
And the kind of liver detoxing I want to show you doesn’t involve water fasting or other dangerous kinds of detox methods.
There are two things you can do to support your liver:
1 Lower the toxic load for your liver
2 Add a detoxing powerhouse to your diet
Let’s start with number one, lower the toxic load.
According to Dr. Alejandro Junger, there’s no way around lowering the toxic load.
And it makes sense, since trying to lose weight with a liver that’s “loaded with toxins”…
Is like driving with your brakes on.
You just don’t make any real progress, no matter how much you struggle.
The easiest way to lower the toxic load is by reducing store-bought "heavy hitters": Not only do foods like lasagna, pizza and hamburgers have an insane amount of calories...
If you buy them from the store, all the chemicals that go inside that "food" would rather remind you of chemistry class in high-school.
And if you've already reduced some of those calorie bombs...
Good job!
Soon, you'll be rewarded for it.
Whenever you can, go natural with your foods and drinks.
And it doesn’t have to be as hard as you think: More on that in a moment.
And I’ll show you how easy it can be.
If you support your liver's detoxing function, you lose fat faster and easier.
Step 2: Add a detoxing powerhouse to your diet.
I’ll show you the convenient and tasty liver-detoxing method that helped me lose 22 lbs. while barely breaking a sweat.
And the “weird plant” I mentioned helps you support your liver’s detoxing function: It’s not only a nutrient powerhouse, with barely any calories, it’s also very filling, which helps you enter calorie deficit more easily...
It’s a detoxing powerhouse that supports your liver's detoxing AND fat-burning function.
And this plant is special because it doesn't even grow on land: It only grows underwater.
This nutritious, detoxing powerhouse I’m talking about is not only approved by scientists all over the world…
NASA has concluded in a study how astronauts can use this plant as “astronaut food”. (2)
This incredible plant bursts with all kinds of minerals, trace minerals, amino acids, phytonutrients, enzymes and vitamins that support your liver's detoxing and fat-burning function…
And this "weird underwater plant" jump-starts your body with energy for your day.
Since it’s a detoxing powerhouse, it supports your liver and it helps you burn fat.
The craziest part?
This plant is nothing "new" in itself.
But it never got the credit and attention it truly deserves.
The plant I’m talking about is called seaweed.
Yes, seaweed.
These underwater plants offer an incredible mix of vital substances
And when I say incredible, I mean it.
Seaweeds have thousands of different substances in them (which are all good for your body).
Trace minerals...
They even contain Vitamin D and Vitamin B12 (As any nutritionist and dietician will tell you, these two are extremely hard to get).
Seaweeds help your liver detox
And I have to repeat it, because this is so crucial, and yet so few people know this: By supporting your liver's detoxing function, seaweeds help your liver burn fat.
You can get all these benefits with one single plant, instead of gulping down 10+ different supplements every day like I used to do.
Seaweeds give you an amazing amount of nutrients and almost no calories.
They also contain a combination of “good guys bacteria“, as I like to call them (also called probiotics).
Those are a true boon for your stomach.
What's more, seaweeds contain a lot of fiber, which supports your digestion.
The fiber helps you feel full more easily.
And when you feel full, you have less snack cravings.
And when you have less snack cravings...
You know where this is going.
There are quite a few kinds of seaweed, but some of the most known ones are spirulina (spirulina platensis), chlorella (chlorella vulgaris) and nori.
You may know nori from eating sushi: It's the green, crisp "wrap" around the sushi (And it happens to be the healthiest part too: It's one of the many Japanese secrets for living longer).
And I don't want to list all of the compounds that make seaweeds awesome (They contain more than two thousand nutrients after all)...
I want to give you the most important things you should know about spirulina to help you shed unwanted fat.
And listing all the benefits here that scientific studies have found about spirulina would take far too long.
That’s why I’m giving you only some of the amazing benefits spirulina offers you.
1: Not only has spirulina anti-inflammatory effects, among others... (3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
2: It lowers your “bad cholesterol”, called LDL, (low-density-lipoprotein) which can clog up your blood vessels. (8, 9, 10)
3: According to one randomized, placebo-controlled study, spirulina even helped people detox who suffered from chronic arsenic poisoning (11).
4: But it gets even better: Another set of studies found spirulina to also increase the weight-loss boosting effect of doing sports by 10% (12)!
And if you add all this to the detoxing and fat-burning effects of spirulina, it makes total sense that I struggled with losing weight before I consumed this amazing underwater plant.
A word of warning though: Before you run off and buy every single supplement containing spirulina or chlorella...
There's one thing you should know.
I strongly recommend you to buy
your seaweed separately...
As a single product, with only 100% of the seaweed advertised in it...
Because that's the best way for you to get your hands on quality, natural products.
When you shop for seaweed, go for 100% natural products.
Because the last thing you need is spending your money on an overpriced, non-natural supplement...
Which only floods your liver with even more chemicals and toxins, which in turn slow your weight loss.
And by now, you're probably wondering how to consume spirulina.
You can buy spirulina typically in tablet or powder form.
Which one you go for, is your choice.
I've tried both and my recommendation is: If you can, go for the powder form.
The reason is because there's something special I recommend you to do with your spirulina to get the most out of it.
I’m talking about the taste...
You see, I experimented a lot, mixing this and that fruit with spirulina and chlorella...
And boy was I successful: I've actually found a way to make these seaweeds taste delicious while keeping the calories very low.
That's why I'd like to show you the secret behind my breakthrough.
It helped me go from overweight and ashamed...
To thin and happy.
This is the discovery that helped me lose 22 lbs.:
Weight-Loss Cure

Yes, tasty seaweed smoothies that help you detox your liver...
And at the same time, they help you shed stubborn fat.
While all you have to do is enjoy delicious, easy and fast to make, low-calorie natural smoothies.
With this ebook, you’ll get everything that helped me turn my life around...
In convenient, digital form as a pdf document.
I call the concept behind this book “Weight-Loss Cure”.
Because these recipes let you create incredibly tasty smoothies that are super easy to make.
And they let your weight loss feel like you went on a cure to some tropical island to unwind and relax.
It took me months of taste-testing and endless trial and error...
But I developed criminally tasty “cheat smoothies”.
They “set the stage” so your liver has detox support and can finally concentrate on burning fat.
While you sip on tasty, natural drinks with low calories.
You see, that’s a problem most other smoothies have: They are simply 3-5+ fruits mashed together with some water.
And while they’re natural and most likely taste awesome and sweet...
They have an absurd amount of calories...
AND they lack the detoxing powers of the seaweeds!
Through my testing and experimenting, I've found the optimum.:
That's why these “cheat smoothies” can take the stress and pain out of your dieting efforts...
And make you feel like you went to a cure on a tropical island.
Every day up till now, I have enjoyed 1-2 glasses of these smoothies.
And there’s no way I’ll stop drinking these, because they taste way too good.
For me, these Seaweed Smoothies feel like “cheat smoothies” because they let you:
Decrease your calorie intake (by using low-calorie plants and making you full)
Increase your nutrient intake (vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, enzymes and amino acids in an exceptional concentration)
Drink something that’s tasty, natural and healthy at the same time (100% vegan)
Enter your bullet points here..
In short: Enjoying these Seaweed Smoothies feels like “cheat day” in your diet…
Except it’s not cheating at all!
And there’s one more reason I like to call them “cheat smoothies”.
You see, plants are able to unleash so-called “synergistic effects.”
Let me explain.
Usually, 1 + 1 = 2.
Child’s play.
But when you combine the right plants, you can get something crazy, like:
What it boils down to is this: Combine the plants and they’re stronger than they are on their own.
In "Tasty 'n' Lazy Seaweed Smoothies: Weight-Loss Cure", I show you how to combine seaweeds with the most common fruits, veggies and other plants...
For maximum tastiness.
And for a convenient detoxing effect that’s a lot easier and safer than water fasting.
Because each of these plants has hundreds to thousands of different nutrients in them.
With the synergistic effect, these nutrients push each other to new heights...
And they push your weight loss to new heights as well.
After you drink these, you just have more energy.
When I tried these Seaweed Smoothies for the first time...
I just loved the fresh, natural taste of these Seaweed Smoothies, especially after drinking all that chemical-filled industry-brew for so many years (aka soft drinks).
And yes, when I started mixing them, the seaweed smoothies weren't as "tasty"…
But as soon as I improved the taste quality with my recipes, I urged my mom and mother-in-law to give them a try as well.
And what can I say?
They were positively surprised!
Both said "they felt lighter and had more energy."
My mother told me how she felt tired during her day, but couldn't sleep at night.
But after she drank my Seaweed Smoothies for a while...
She had energy for the day AND could sleep better.
That's when I knew I was really on to something.
Not only did these smoothies help me lose weight and feel better...
They even helped my mom and mother-in-law lose weight and improve their life-quality as well.
And I know you'll love the sweet, fresh and natural taste too.
You see, with this book, you’re getting 35 “mix-and-match" smoothie recipes.
I'm practically giving you a blueprint to create your own variety of delicious drinks
(Did I already mention all the recipes are 100% vegan and natural?)
You’ll be able to make sinfully tasty smoothies...
By combining certain plant powders (like seaweeds) with banana, apple, raspberries and blueberries…
But I can also show you how to make healthy veggies like carrots, cucumber and even kale taste good.
I know how this sounds, and let me assure you: I get it.
If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't have believed that veggie-based smoothies could taste good either.
These recipes actually taste incredible!
And you can always tweak the amount of fruits, veggies and seaweeds you use to find your favorite combinations.
You'll have a lot of fun discovering your absolute favorite smoothie recipes and tastes (My recommendation: Start with the “Starter Kit Recipes” on page 45 & 47).
As you can already see, this isn't your tread of the mill recipe ebook.
I spent months making “Tasty ‘n’ Lazy Seaweed Smoothies: Weight-Loss Cure” the best I can for you.
"Tasty ‘n’ Lazy Seaweed Smoothies" comes in a convenient pdf format, so you can read it on your computer, phone or tablet.
It’s a 119-page ebook with smoothies, tips on how to prepare them and how to get the most out of them.
This is what you get with your "Tasty ‘n’ Lazy Seaweed Smoothies" pdf ebook:
Chapter 1: Important Principles.
The fundamental principles behind these smoothies and why they will make the difference for your weight-loss journey. These principles will guide you into the right direction forever. (And yes, I know that’s a bold claim: And I stand by it.)
Chapter 2: About Making the Tasty 'n' Lazy Seaweed Smoothies.
Detailed advice on how to make the smoothies, when to drink them and more.
Chapter 3: Short profiles on the seaweeds and the other ingredients in the smoothies.
They show you all the good things they can do for your body and well-being, not only in terms of weight loss (Some of the things will sound hard to believe at first, but they’re all true, with lots of scientific research behind them!).
Chapter 3.1: Caloric Values of Fruits and Veggies.
Many diet or recipe ebooks leave you to calculate the calories on your own, but not this one. For your convenience, you'll see the caloric value of every ingredient that’s used in the book. I’m not a big fan of counting calories, but you have the option to keep track of them if you need to.
Chapter 4.1: Instant Smoothie recipes for when you’re extra short on time.
You don’t even need a blender for these!
Chapter 4.2: Fruit-Based Smoothie recipes. (This is the majority of the recipes)
Here I show you how to make fruit-based smoothie recipes. Nutritious, healthy and tasty drinks that give you a lot more nutrients with a lot less calories than with typical smoothies.
Chapter 4.3: Veggie-Based Smoothie recipes.
I know how this sounds, but I tweaked the recipes without end until they tasted the way I wanted. Follow these recipes and you can seriously cheat your calorie intake, and still reward yourself with tasty smoothies! Also, when you have a surplus of certain veggies, you can now turn them into delicious drinks with ease.
Most people would have been content with handing you the recipes and leaving you to figure it all out on your own.
But I'm not like most people.
That's why I went beyond and decided to include the following bonuses for you:
I know how it is to spend a lot of your money on all kinds of supplements.
While losing weight is one of the best investments we can make, it can get expensive quickly, depending on what you buy and from whom.
Especially if you're buying a lot of stuff at once.
For that reason, I'll give you my “Powder Purchase Priority List”.
With this, you'll know exactly which plants to focus on first.
It shows you the most efficient “levers“ to pull when you start out.
So you get the biggest effect with the least amount of effort.
You don't need to spend an arm and a leg.
In fact, not only will your weight and shape improve...
But long-term you'll be actually saving a lot of money.
Because you won't need overpriced supplements anymore.
You'll find joy in developing better habits...
And not to mention the doctor bills or expensive surgeries you'll be able to avoid.
How far you go with this is up to you.
This Powder Purchase Priority List is my recommendation for quick and optimal results.
But I have more in store for you.
Even with my “Powder Purchase Priority List”, there's one more problem...
What do you need to know to get the quality stuff?
That's what my “Plant Powder Shopping Guide” will show you.
I’ll give you valuable tips to make your shopping experience as fun and enjoyable as possible.
The kinds of local stores you should go to...
But I'll also show you important guidelines so you know if you can trust the online retailer of your choice.
And if you're like me, you'll realize one thing quickly: Now you have your “cheat smoothies” to optimize your calorie intake...
And make your weight loss feel like “cheating”...
But there's one more problem.
It's every dieter's worst nightmare.
Your friends invite you to a nice restaurant.
And you just know that all kinds of mouth-watering delights will tempt your taste buds into sweet or greasy damnation...
You start to feel anxious: “What am I supposed to DO?”
Don't worry, I've got you covered.
That's why you'll get:
First off, I want to take the fear off your mind.
A single trip to your favorite restaurant won't ruin your plans of losing fat.
Especially if you do what I tell you in the book.
There's no "one weekend accident" that will ruin two weeks of progress because you fell out of ketosis.
My “Weight-Loss Cure“ method will let you go at your own pace.
This Tasty 'n' Lazy Eating Out Guide will show you the traps...
And the do's and don'ts...
So you can enjoy yourself at the restaurant.
And not be the sad “lone wolf“ who doesn't order anything.
What to order as the main dish?
What drink?
What dessert?
With this bonus, you won't even have to worry about eating out with family, friends, or your partner anymore.
That's exactly what this Tasty ‘n’ Lazy Eating Out Guide is for.
And by now, you’re likely wondering...
“How much is this gonna cost me?”
Considering all the benefits this hands-on knowledge offers you, many people online would have sold you a unique recipe book like this for something close to $100.
Not to mention with all these problem-solving bonuses on top.
And even if they did ask for such a price, they would have done so for a good reason.
Not only because the content and knowledge are so special...
But also because so much research, time and effort went into this heart-and-soul passion project of mine.
After all, this is a proven, battle-tested guide that shows you…

...All by drinking tasty smoothies.
But I gave myself a mission: Not only do I want to help those who still haven't reached their ideal weight...
I also want to show you how easily you can turn your life around with natural nutrition.
That’s why I don’t want you to pay anything close to $100, even though it would be a fair price.
I don’t even want you to pay $70...
Or $50.
Today, you can enjoy your “Tasty ‘n’ Lazy Seaweed Smoothie” recipes, with these three useful and convenient bonuses on top:
BONUS #1: Powder Purchase Priority List ($10 value)
BONUS #2: Plant Powder Shopping Guide ($10 value)
BONUS #3: The Tasty 'n’ Lazy Eating Out Guide ($5 value)
Enter your bullet points here..
These bonuses alone are worth $25.
And once you see how they take care of your road blocks...
You'll realize the tips from someone who's already "been there" are worth its weight in gold.
But I want you to start enjoying my smoothies as quickly as possible, without any obstacles.
That's why I want you to have my "Tasty ‘n’ Lazy Seaweed Smoothies: Weight-Loss Cure"…
You can pretty much “steal” the incredibly useful knowledge that helped me change my life...
And you can use this knowledge to improve your and your family's life quality, forever...
For less than a date with your partner at your favorite restaurant.
And talking about removing obstacles, I've got something special for you…
When you purchase your "Tasty 'n' Lazy Seaweed Smoothies"...
I'm covering your purchase with a 180-Day Money Back Guarantee.
Give these smoothie recipes a shot...
And if you're not happy with what this book offers you, just shoot me a quick email and you'll receive a swift refund to your account (the email address you can write to is further below and will be on your receipt).
That way, you have nothing to lose, but so much to gain.
You'll get delicious recipes that will help you lose weight…
And make you feel awesome.
You'll be able to show off to your family, friends and neighbors if you want (you'd have definitely earned it).
Not only with the tasty recipes: But most of all, you can brag with the “new you”.
Imagine what it feels like to see the “new you” in the mirror…
Your slimmer belly, butt, thighs, underarms…
To finally see the numbers on the scale you should have gotten long ago.
And to have a “diet drink” that you’ll want to drink every morning.
Because it tastes so amazing.
If you’ve read this far, I want you to know one thing:
Combine these smoothies with reasonable adjustments to your diet (like reducing the “calorie heavy hitters" like lasagna etc.)…
And you’ll go far.
So far that you'll see a huge grin form on your lips.
Because you see the first pounds melting.
You’ll be able to feel and see your first successes...
In a couple of weeks, or maybe even days from now.
You DON'T need to starve yourself.
You DON'T need to torture yourself with excessive dieting.
All you need is the right knowledge.
Knowledge that took me years and hundreds of dollars to obtain.
And you're getting that knowledge in concentrated form, right here...
For pennies.
And there’s no risk for you, thanks to my 180-Day Money Back Guarantee.
With the system I'm giving you here, you'll have a much easier time than I had.
I want you to enjoy life while you get rid of your fat.
And get the body you know you deserve.
To recap, here’s all the good stuff you’re getting:
“Tasty ‘n’ Lazy Seaweed Smoothies: Weight-Loss Cure” with 35 delicious, easy to make, "mix-and-match" Seaweed Smoothie recipes ($25 value)
BONUS #1: “Powder Purchase Priority List” ($10 value)
BONUS #2: “Plant Powder Shopping Guide” ($10 value)
BONUS #3: “The Tasty 'n Lazy Eating Out Guide” ($5 value)
Enter your bullet points here..

And remember, I’m covering all this good stuff you’re getting with my 180-Day Money Back Guarantee.
Can you imagine how envious your friends and colleagues will be once you tell them that you're losing weight...
By rewarding yourself with tasty, natural drinks?
I mean, seriously: How unfair is that?
That's why I recommend you to get your Tasty 'n' Lazy Seaweed Smoothies today.
Make no mistake: I don't know when I'll raise the price...
But I will.
The knowledge and "in-the-trenches", life-changing tips are far more valuable than this.
Get your "Tasty 'n' Lazy Seaweed Smoothies" today, while it's only $25, without any risk to you whatsoever.

Once you fill in the secure order form below, you’ll be able to download the book along with your bonuses, in convenient pdf format.
Thanks to the pdf format, you’ll be able to read this ebook wherever, whenever you want.
You can read it on your computer…
Or phone.
You know, I'm not here to sell you some far-fetched pipe dream that insults your intelligence.
Something nonsensical like "Burn 40 lbs. in one week!"
What I’m giving you here is based on logical, down to earth principles like calorie deficit…
And improving the fat-burning and detoxing functions of your liver.
You’re not only giving your body some of the healthiest plants...
These smoothies help you lower your calorie intake and reduce hunger cravings...
While allowing you to drink tasty, healthy and easy to make drinks.
These smoothies just might be that last 1% you need for your breakthrough.
To finally make your dream of a slimmer body reality.
A reality that you can feel.
A reality you can look at in the mirror and be proud of.
I was able to do it with a horrible metabolism and while being totally lazy and playing video games...
Sitting in front of my PC pretty much all day (the only notable exercise I did was push ups)...
The way I see it, your chances are far better than mine when I started out.
I was able to lose 22 lbs. thanks to the knowledge and recipes in this book.
And I want you to finally shed your stubborn fat, too.
All you gotta do is take this tiny, 100% risk-free jump…
And enjoy sinfully sweet, delicious, healthy drinks
The way I see it, you now have three options.
Option 1: You keep going at it with the same old, non-working, painfully hard methods that don't follow any proven principles and don't go for the root cause of weight loss problems.
Everything will stay the same, the good and the bad stuff.
Option 2: You try to figure out this wicked "game of calories" and all the self-contradicting weight loss myths on your own.
And truth be told, I have great respect for all the doers who take action and take matters into their own hands.
But you’ll have a hard time knowing if you’re on the right track or not…
Chances are you’ll keep running in circles and you’ll be frustrated and disappointed because nothing seems to work, like I was.
So, if you want to make your life as easy as possible, you go for...
Option 3:
Use the proven-to-work method of someone who has solved the problem you want to solve.
"Tasty 'n' Lazy Seaweed Smoothies: Weight-Loss Cure" is knowledge that you can use to lose weight on your terms, detox your liver...
And let you make delicious smoothies that your family and friends will want to drink as well.
I'm not some fitness guru who spends 3 hours a day in a gym: I'm just an everyday dude with a poor metabolism.
But I made a lucky discovery which I shared with you.
It’s a breakthrough that’s incredibly simple: You can cheat in the game of calories, make your friends, colleagues and family jealous and do something good for your body...
And all you have to do is enjoy tasty, natural drinks.
I’ve taken out all the guesswork for you, so you can enjoy your life, as it should be.
What you make of all this, is up to you.
The choice is yours.
I'm rooting for your success either way.
Here’s to your new shape and new life,
Tomislav Winkler

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- What is this about?On this page, I show you how you can lose weight by enjoying natural, tasty and easy to make drinks. I've achieved my ideal weight, I'm healthier and happier than I was even in my twenties. And I’m sharing how I did it with you here, on this page.
- I want to lose more than 20 lbs. Is this still useful for me?No matter how many pounds you want to lose: This is for you. Because this is about tackling the underlying root cause that leaves most dieters frustrated and close to giving up.
- Is there a Money-Back Guarantee?Should you, for whatever reason, not feel that I've put useful knowledge in this book and you don't feel any better after using its content, I’m covering your purchase with a 180-Day Money Back Guarantee. Just write an email to tommy@yinandyangmethod.com and I'll issue your refund personally. Please do note that what I'm offering you here is about reasonable adjustments to your diet. Full Disclaimer: If you're not willing to change your diet in the slightest way, you won't gain as much as you could from this ebook.
- How fast will I lose weight with this?That depends on you. You can take your time losing weight, which is my recommendation for starters anyway. My personal recommendation is to include quality, natural foods to eat and drink. Going the “turbo-route” to lose weight by starving and stressing yourself is not only inefficient and frustrating, it's also dangerous.
In my humble opinion, this book gives you a sustainable, healthy and efficient way to lose weight. So you could argue that it’s one of the fastest ways to lose weight without damaging your body in the process. With these smoothies, you give your body the fuel it needs.
"Hunger attacks" let most diets fail. You'll find that these smoothies make for an awesome “pre-meal snack“ that helps you get full. At the same time, the seaweeds barely have any calories in them. But they give you nutrients and help you curb snack cravings. - What if this doesn't work for me?I can't “guarantee“ this will 100% "work" for you, because I have no realistic way of controlling your dieting habits. This is no “holy grail” kind of weight loss product. If someone’s regular calorie intake is 3000+, even my smoothies won’t help them magically burn more than that surplus of calories.
Do what’s in the book, make reasonable adjustments to your diet and stick to this method long enough. Your life will improve, not only the number on your scale. Your digestion will improve. Your body will flush out many of the toxins that plague your body. Cutting back on sweets already goes a long way.
In fact, you’d be hard-pressed to end up worse after doing what I tell you in the book. But with weight loss, many people give up too early, although they were on the right track. Stick with what I give you in the book and you’ll see for yourself. - What kinds of kitchen tools do I need?What you definitely need is a quality blender (no matter if you purchase this book or not). I highly recommend spending more to get yourself one quality blender, as cheaper blenders tend to break more easily. Most blenders nowadays come with a portable container that you can use to carry your smoothies with you. One reliable, powerful blender is useful in so many ways, which makes it one of the absolute best investments you can make.
- Can you guarantee I will have the same results you had?No, I can't and I won't make such an outrageous "guarantee", simply because life and health are complex puzzles. There's no way for me to know and control your background, your eating habits, your health condition, your environment... All I want to do is reach out my hand to you and show you how I did what most people struggle with: Losing weight in a safe, reliable manner that allows them to enjoy life.
- How long does it take to make one of those smoothies?These smoothies take about 3-7 minutes to make, depending on the recipe you use, how fast you cut the fruits, veggies etc. You won’t have to spend half your day in the kitchen chopping piles of fruit or veggies, only to end up with a calorie-overloaded drink (That's what most smoothies are). When you’re extra short on time, you can freeze your fruit/veggie slices the evening before and thaw them the next morning.
- Are the recipes vegan?All my smoothie recipes are 100% vegan. You can have a lot of fun and tasty experiments with these smoothie recipes as your “blueprint.”
- Is this a digital or a physical product?As of now, this is a digital-only product in pdf form. You will need a program that's able to open pdfs (adobe acrobat reader is one of the most common ones.)
- Are there any rebills with this?I detest "surprise rebills": There are absolutely no rebills whatsoever with this. One payment and the knowledge in this book is forever yours. (Make sure you actually download it to your computer after purchase, instead of reading it on the page itself: Make sure you actually have the file on your device!).

Have further questions? Write me an email: tommy@yinandyangmethod.com
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Disclaimer: Due to recent laws from the FTC, it is required that all companies identify what a "typical" result is. As dieting is a complex topic with a myriad of factors, it is hard to quantify what a typical result looks like, or if the pounds that someone loses after starting a diet are due to fat burning or getting rid of excess water in the body. I've been learning about nutrition for years and nowhere do I say that you will have the same results as me. Your results depend on a lot of factors, such as age, condition, dieting habits, toxicity and many more. A healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet are one of the best cornerstones to help you lose weight safely and reliably. Please note the material in this book and on this site has not been approved by the food and drug administration, or any other official institution regarding health. The material on this site is an account of personal experiences and personal, intensive research. This information and the opinions contained therein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Statements on this site and in the book are opinion and not constitutable as facts or medical evaluations. This material is for information purposes only and not intended as medical advice. The reader is encouraged to always consult a dietician, physician or personal doctor before engaging in any sort of health-related therapy. Since there is always some work involved with publishing alternative works, the author, publisher and distributors are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any suggestions or procedures described hereafter. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this site is for general information purposes only. yinandyangmethod.com makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained in or made available through this site, and such information is subject to change without notice. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this site with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician.